Ecler AMIC24I User Manual

Page 21

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This section groups ten parametric filters in

serial mode for each AMIC24i channel. This is very
useful to precisely shape the frequency response.

The upper part contains ON/OFF, FILTER

TYPE, FREQUENCY, GAIN and Q parameters.
These parameters always refer to one of these 10
filters, displayed as CURRENT FILTER.

 Parametric equalizer ON/OFF parameter

affects all filters from this section. With OFF
(unlighted button), no filter acts (all are
bypassed). With ON, operation is
determined by other parameters.

 FILTER TYPE selects used filter type.

Following filter types are available.

Bypass means no filtering is done.

Q) is a typical parametric equalizer filter with settings for central frequency (between 20Hz and
20kHz), gain or attenuation at central frequency (between +12dB and -60dB) and band width
(1/Q, Q between 0.3 and 200).

Low-Shelf and High-Shelf with 6 and 12dB/oct roll-off (FREQUENCY, GAIN), typical

Low-Shelf and High-Shelf filters with settings for cut-off frequency (between 20Hz and 20kHz)
and gain or attenuation (between +12dB and –60dB).

Low-Pass and High-Pass with 6 and 12dB/oct roll-off (FREQUENCY) are low-pass and

high-pass filters with variable cut-off frequency (between 20Hz and 20kHz).

All-Pass order 1 and 2 (FREQUENCY, Q order 2) are all-pass filters not affecting the

signal amplitude but the phase of some frequencies (on the other hand, a delay modifies phase
for all frequencies). Main application for this type of filter is phase error compensation in speakers
or errors with different causes e.g. phase change generated by a crossover.

Parameters within brackets are available for this filter type. Other parameters are deactivated and

can't be edited.

 FREQUENCY is made of a potentiometer and a linked numerical value allowing to set the filter

cut-off frequency (or central frequency, depending on the filter type).

 GAIN is also made of a potentiometer and a linked numerical value to set gain or attenuation for

filters if this parameter is applicable.

 Q (filter form factor) is made of a potentiometer and a linked numerical value allowing to set filters

band width value (1/Q) if this parameter is applicable.

The lower part of this section contains a ten-row list, one for each of the ten parametric

equalization filters. Each row displays information about the relative filter, as filter type, frequency, gain
and Q (if applicable).

Only five of the available filters are displayed at the same time. To display the other ones, use the

vertical sliding bar on the right side of the list.

Click on a row to select the corresponding filter and upper controls (FILTER TYPE,

FREQUENCY, GAIN, Q) will be updated to reflect current filter values (including its number in
CURRENT FILTER). Selected row is displayed with a greater intensity and is highlighted with a flashing
frame cursor.