Build the top center panel – Dynaflite DYFA3045 User Manual
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and sheeting even with the ends. Sand the front
of the sheeting even with the sub leading edge.
16. Cut the rest of the way through the lines
in the ribs on both ends of the center panel and
remove the balsa between the spars. Set the
bottom center panel aside.
17. Cut the center panel leading edge
slightly longer than required from a 1/4" x 5/8" x
24" [6.4 x 15.9 x 610mm] balsa stick (save the
remainder of the stick for the top center panel).
Glue the leading edge to the front of the center
panel. Sand the ends and top of the leading
edge even with the center panel, but do not
round the leading edge until instructed to do so.
That’s it for the bottom center panel. Set it aside
and work on the top center panel.
1. Position the plan so the top center panel
is over your flat building board (or cut it from
the wing plan) and cover it with Plan Protector
or wax paper.
2. The same as was done for the ribs on the
ends of the bottom center panel, cut partway
through opposite sides of both die-cut 3/32"
[2.4mm] balsa wing ribs R2 for the ends of the
top center panel between the forward spar
Be certain to refer to the wing plan while
performing step 3.
3. Make the rib assemblies for both ends of
the top center panel as shown on the plan by
gluing together the die-cut 3/32" [2.4mm] balsa
ribs R2, the die-cut 1/16" plywood ribs R2B and
the die-cut 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood ribs R2T1. Be
certain to make a right and a left.
4. Build the top center panel the same as
the bottom center panel. After gluing in the die-
cut 1/8" [3.2mm] plywood inner top webs
(ITW) add the triangle stock reinforcements cut
from the 3/8" x 17-7/8" [9.5 x 455mm] balsa
tri-stock. Make another center panel trailing