Dynaflite PT-19 User Manual
Page 2
Introduction ......................................................2
Required Accessories .......................................3
Suggested Supplies .........................................3
Optional Accessories .......................................4
Building Notes.................................................4
Adhesives .......................................................4
Common Abbreviations....................................5
Types of Wood ................................................5
Metric Conversion............................................5
Die Patterns ................................................6&7
Build the Fuselage ...............................................8
Build the Wing .....................................................12
Build theAilerons ...........................................................16
Build the Stabilizer & Elevators ...........................17
Build the Vertical Fin & Rudder .........................19
Mount the Wing to the Fuselage .........................20
FinalAssembly .................................................22
Set The Control Throws...................................27
Balance Your Model.......................................27
At Home...............................................................27
At the Flying Site ...........................................28
Engine Safety Precautions................................28
Find a Safe Place to Fly..................................28
Landing ........................................................29
Terms & Definitions ........................................30
Cockpit & Wing Tip Patterns...........Center Spread
Congratulations on your choice of this kit for your
next project. The Fairchild PT-19 is a Fun Scale®
model of a true classic aircraft and has the presence
that only a big model can carry off.
At Dynaflite we take pride in offering kits that are
simple and straight forward to build and provide
value for your modeling dollar. Because of the size
and cost of this model we assume you have built
several models and have a general working
knowledge of modeling and its terms. If you HAVE
NOT built and flown several kits, do yourself a favor
and get some experience before beginning this kit.
Your PT-19 is not a toy, but a sophisticated working
model that functions like a full-size airplane. Because
of its performance, if you do not assemble and
operate the PT-19 correctly, you could possibly injure
yourself or spectators and damage property.
To make your R/C modeling experience totally
enjoyable, we recommend that you get assistance
with assembly and your first flights from an
experienced, knowledgeable modeler. You'll learn
faster and avoid risk to your model before you're
truly ready to solo. Your local hobby shop has
information about flying clubs in your area whose
membership includes qualified instructors.
You can also contact the national Academy of Model
Aeronautics (AMA), which has more than 2,300
chartered clubs across the country. We recommend
you join the AMA which will provide you with
insurance coverage at AMA club sites and events.
AMA Membership is required at chartered club
fields where qualified flight instructors are available.
Contact the AMA at the address or toll-free phone
number below.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
(800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057