Dynaflite PT-19 User Manual

Page 12

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31. Glue the 1/4" x 1/2" x 42" balsa stringers

to the fuselage sides.

Set the fuselage aside until later. It will be completed

after the wing and stabilizer are built.

If you have not done so already, now is a good time

to obtain a mount for your engine. If you will be

using a two or four stroke engine a Great Planes
60-120 mount (GPMG1091) will work well. If you

will be using a chainsaw type engine you will

probably need a spacer behind the mount.

3. Pin the 1 /4" x 3/8" x 42" basswood lower

spar over the plan.

4. Pin the 3/8" x 1/2" x 42" balsa stick on

the dashed lines called "shim stick." This will hold

the rear of the ribs at the proper angle until there are
enough pieces to hold the wing rigid.

5. Punch the ribs from their die-cut sheets,

sanding the backs lightly if they do not come out

easily. Number each rib as you do so; don't forget to

number the aileron ribs as well. Check the fit of the

spar to the spar notches in each rib.

1. Lay the RIGHT WING PLAN on your

building board and cover it with wax paper.

2. Prepare a leading edge skin. Locate one

piece of 3/32" x 3" x 42" balsa sheet and one piece

of 3/32" x 3" x 36" balsa sheet. Join them together
so that the ends are even with each other on one side.

Form a skin using your favorite method (we use

masking tape to form a hinge and then join them with

aliphatic resin glue). Sand the best side smooth with

150-grit sandpaper. Position the skin on the plan

aligning the aft edge with the center of the spar. Mark

the front of the leading edge on the skin at the root rib

(W1) and the tip rib (W11). Use a long straightedge

to trim the excess sheeting from the skin. Leave 1/4"

extra to allow for the curvature of the ribs. Set this skin
aside for use later. Save the piece that was trimmed
off for the other wing panel and use it in place of the

second 3/32" x 3" x 26" sheet.

6. Glue the 1/8" die-cut ply landing gear

doublers to ribs W2, W3 and W4 using 30-minute
epoxy. Glue them to the sides shown on the plans.

There are two doublers for W2. The one with the

long cutout is glued to the side facing the wing tip.

This cutout will lock in the landing gear stub (torque)

block. Check the fit of the landing gear block and
stub block in their cutouts.