Dynaflite GPMA0525 User Manual
Page 15
wing with masking tape until the glue dries
(about an hour should be sufficient).
❏ ❏
4. Use your razor plane followed by a bar
sander with 80-grit sandpaper to blend the LE to
the top and bottom skins. Do not round the LE
until you are instructed to do so after you join the
two halves together.
❏ ❏
5. Glue a shaped triangular balsa wing tip
block to the end of the wing. Note that the flat
side of the tip block is on the bottom of the wing
so the tip curves downward. Carve, then sand
the wing tip block to match the shape of the wing
and the plan.
❏ ❏
6. Cut 2-1/2" from one of the ailerons you shaped
earlier to make an aileron torque rod block. Cut
a 5/32" groove through the center of the leading
edge of the block to accommodate the nylon
bearing tube on the right aileron torque rod.
Hint: Use a 5/32" brass tube sharpened at one end
to cut the groove.
❏ ❏
7. Test fit the pre-bent wire right aileron
torque rod (or the left aileron torque rod if
this is your second time through and you are
building the left wing panel) in the torque rod
block. If necessary, enlarge the groove you cut so
the torque rod will fit all the way in. Cut a notch in
the bottom of the torque rod block to allow for
control throw.
❏ ❏
8. Cut a notch in the sub trailing edge of the
wing panel (the same as the notch in the torque
rod block) to allow for control throw. Roughen the
nylon bearing tube on the aileron torque rod with
coarse sandpaper. Apply a dab of petroleum jelly
(not marmalade)
to the ends of the bearing tube.
Use thick or medium CA to simultaneously glue
the bearing tube in the torque block and glue the
torque block to the sub trailing edge of the wing.
Note that the bottom of the torque block should
be even with the bottom of the wing.
❏ ❏
9. Use a bar sander with 80-grit sandpaper
to sand the end of the wing square and even.
❏ ❏
10. Trim the tip of the aileron to match the
angle of the wing tip. Test fit the aileron to the
wing. If necessary, glue leftover balsa to the tips
of the aileron to achieve adequate spacing