Build one wing panel build the wing – Dynaflite GPMA0525 User Manual

Page 12

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7. Remove the stab halves from the joiner wire.

Solder a metal clevis to the braided wire elevator
pushrod cable that came in your pushrod kit.

8. Connect the clevis to the bottom hole on the

joiner wire. Slip the cable through the elevator
pushrod guide tube in the fuse and position but
do not glue
the stab mount on the fuse as
shown in the photo and on the plan. Move the
cable back and forth to actuate the joiner wire.
Make adjustments as necessary so the system
operates smoothly.

That’s about all we can do on the tail and the fuse
until we get the wing built. Set the stab and fuse
aside for now.

Do the right one first so yours looks like the


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1. Use a ballpoint pen to draw a guideline

3/32" from the bottom of one of the 5/16" x 1-1/4"
x 24" balsa ailerons. This guideline indicates the

desired thickness of the trailing edge of the
aileron. As shown in the photo, the guideline can
be most easily drawn by laying your pen and the
aileron on your workbench. You may have to raise
the aileron off your workbench to make the
guideline at the correct height. With the pen we
used, it happened that one of the included 1/16"
balsa sheets worked perfectly for this.

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2. Using the line you drew as a guide, carefully

shape the aileron to the cross section shown on
the wing plan. We prefer a razor plane followed by
a bar sander with 80-grit sandpaper for this job.

How’d you do? It wasn’t so bad, was it?

3. Before we get started on the


wing construction,

mark and shape the other aileron the same way.

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4. Arrange the plan so the right wing panel

is over your building board and cover it with
Great Planes Plan Protector. Note: If this is your
second wing panel, make sure you are building
the left one.

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5. Use a fresh #11 blade and a straightedge

to true one edge of a 1/16" x 3" x 24" balsa sheet.
Trim the other edge of the sheet as indicated in
the sketch. From now on this sheet will be called
the bottom leading edge skin.

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6. Glue a 1/8" x 1/4" x 24" balsa spar to the

top of the bottom leading edge skin along the
edge you trued (the aft edge).

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7. Accurately align the root and the aft edge of

the bottom leading edge skin with the plan and pin
it down.





