Hardware removal, Uninstalling the windows xp device driver – Comtrol RocketPort 550 uPCI Windows XP User Manual
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8. Hardware Removal
Power down the host PC and disconnect its mains input.
Follow the host PC manufacturer instructions describing how to access the PC in order
to install additional cards.
Remove the RocketPort 550 or RocketPort/BroadPort 550 Universal back plate
retaining screw.
Remove the RocketPort 550 or RocketPort/BroadPort 550 Universal.
Follow the host PC manufacturers instructions for the re assembly of the host PC, its
cabling and re-fitting of safety covers.
Re-connect the host PC mains input and power up the PC and logon as "Administrator"
9. Uninstalling the Windows XP Device Driver
It is not necessary to uninstall the driver, removing the RocketPort 550 or
RocketPort/BroadPort 550 Universal card will disable the driver.
If you wish to uninstall the driver. Right Click the My Computer icon on the
desktop (or Click Start then Right Click My Computer)
Select Properties from the pop up menu
Click the Hardware tab
Click Device Manager
Double Click the device you wish to uninstall under multi-port serial adapters
For example Comtrol Europe RocketPort Universal 550-8 Octa
Click the Driver tab
Click the Uninstall tab
Click OK to confirm you wish to uninstall the device
Click X to close the device manager window
9.10 Click OK to close the system properties window
The RocketPort 550 Universal Windows XP Device Driver is now uninstalled.