Chrysler 2008 Aspen User Manual
Page 224

2. Touch the screen where the time is displayed. The
clock setting menu will appear on the screen. If the words
“Time: User Clock” are displayed at the top of the screen,
proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, proceed to Step 3.
3. If the words “Time: GPS Time” are displayed at the top
of the screen, touch the bottom of the screen where the
words “GPS Time” are displayed. The user clock time
setting menu will appear on the screen.
4. To move the hour forward, touch the screen where the
word “Hour” with the arrow pointing upward is dis-
played. To move the hour backward, touch the screen
where the word “Hour” with the arrow pointing down-
ward is displayed.
5. To move the minute forward, touch the screen where
the word “Min” with the arrow pointing upward is
displayed. To move the minute backward, touch the
screen where the word “Min” with the arrow pointing
downward is displayed.
6. To save the new time setting, touch the screen where
the word “Save” is displayed.
Show Time if Radio is Off
When selected, this feature will display the time of day
on the touch screen when the system is turned off.
Proceed as follows to change the current setting:
1. Turn on the multimedia system.
2. Touch the screen where the time is displayed. The
clock setting menu will appear on the screen.
3. When this feature is on, a check mark will appear in
the box next to the words “Show Time if Radio is Off.”
Touch the screen where the words “Show Time if Radio is
Off” are displayed to change the current setting.