Rear panel, Rear panel é – Toshiba KV-6200A User Manual

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Rear Panel




® REMOTE jack

Accepts the plug from the remote control.


MIC IN jack

Accepts audio signals from a microphone, in this case the

RCA jack input will be switched off.


ALARM IN terminal

Signal input terminal to start alarm recording.

The VCR goes to alarm recording mode when the terminal

is connected to the ground terminal during recording.

® ALARM RESET terminal

Signal input terminal to release alarm recording.

Alarm recording is released when the terminal is con­

nected to the ground terminal during alarm recording.

(D ALARM OUT terminal

Output terminal to transmit the alarm signal to an external


A voltage of DC +5V is output during alarm recording.

® ONE SHOT IN terminal

■' Used for One-shot recording.

® REC TRIGGER OUT terminal

Signal output terminal to control the switching timing of tiie

camera when connected writh the sequential switcher.

® AUDIO IN jack (RCA type)

Used to record external audio signals by connecting to the

audio output jack of an external audio source.

. ® AUDIO OUT jack (RCA t^)

Used to connect to the audio input jack of external audio


® VIDEO IN connector (BNC)

Used to record external video signals by connecting to the

video output jack of an external video source such as a

camera, etc.

® VIDEO OUT connector (BNC)

Used to connect to a monitor TV.


Insert to an 120V AC outlet.


This VCR allows recording of characters and numerical

information sent from the ATM (Automatic Tetter Machine),

Cash Register and superimposed on the screen by cwinect-

ing the specified l/P (Interface Board) to tire I/O connector on

rear of the unit.

When you wish to obtain the t/F Board, please consult


The mounting of the 1/F Board is allowed only by a qualified

service man.

For details on the mounting, refer to the Instruction Manual

supplied with the 1/F Board.