Convenient functions, Simple care and maintenance

Page 14

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Convenient functions

Prevention of misoperation [HOLD]/Reduction of sound skip [Anti

shock]/Last memory function

This unit has the HOLD function to prevent misoperation, the anti-shock function to reduce

the sound skipping and the LAST MEMO, function to memorize the musics until the power

is turned off. When the unit is used in the car or elsewhere where there is big vibrations, the

sound skipping is reduced.

Turn on the HOLD switch:

• If the "HOLD" is turned on in the POWER OFF mode, the unit will not be turned to the POWER

ON mode even though the PLAY/PAUSE [►/!!] button is pressed.

. • The PLAY operation only is accepted during the standby mode.

If the "HOLD" is turned ON during the play, the button switches other than the "OPEN" but­

ton can not be operated.


When the LAST MEMO, switch is turned on, the foiiowing operations are made:

• When the power is turned on from the off condition, the player starts to play the music from

the beginning part of the music where the present location of the pick-up is read.

If the STOP [ ■ ] button is pressed and the PLAY/PAUSE [►/!!] button is pressed again, the

player starts to play from the beginning part of the stopped music. (When it is paused at the
near end of a music, it may start playing from the beginning part of the following music.)

• If the SKIP button [M-^] is pressed during the standby mode, the player starts to play the mus­

ic previous to the music for which the STOP [ ■ ] button is pressed.

• If the SKIP button [►►!] is pressed during the standby mode, the player starts to play the mus­

ic next to the music for which the STOP [ ■ ] button is pressed.

■ Battery life indicator

The battery indicator starts blinking after remaining battery life coming to 30 minutes or so.

Replace the alkali batteries with new ones, or recharge rechargeable batteries.

Refer to page 7 and 8 for the way to exchange batteries for new ones or recharge them.


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Service Life of Rechargeable Battery:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rechargeable battery has a life.

After atjout 500 times of recharging, its performance (operating time) is halved as compared to

a new battery. If operating time shortens considerably although you have charged your battery

properly, four rechargeable batteries for replacement.

Simple care and maintenance

■ Cleaning the cabinet

When the cabinet gets dirty, wipe it with a dry cloth. If the stain is so serious that it cannot be

removed with a dry cloth, moisten the cloth with a small amount of water. After wiping with the
moistened cloth, do not forget to remove the moisture with a dry cloth.

■ Cleaning the lens

Clean the lens carefully, using a commeroially-available camera lens blower, etc.

