Execute title change or deletion, O enter the title in memory, G complete the operation – Kenwood DM-VH7 User Manual

Page 24: Yim eject the mini disc, List of characters available for title editing, In case of difficulty, Operation to reset, Symptoms related to md standard

Attention! The text in this document has been recognized automatically. To view the original document, you can use the "Original mode".

background image


Execute title change or deletion.


Enter the title in memory.


G Complete the operation.




The title is scrolled automatically.

yiM Eject the Mini Disc.

/ / I \ ^

Information Is

Mini Disc has been

being written.


I While "WRITING" is displayed, do not im-

pact or move the unit because information
about recording and editing is being writ­

ten to the Mini Disc.

List of characters available for title editing

The following alphabets and symbols can be selected for use in title editing.

When selecting characters with the and

►►/ keys on the remote control unit

English uppercase letter group


English lowercase letter group

abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz Space

Numeral/symbols group

0123456789 Space ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ' ? @ ' ' _

Title Memo/Title Copy group

[1И2] [3HDISC] ([001]......... )

When selecting characters with the numeric keys on the remote control unit



c 2



[1] [2] [3]



ABCabc or abcABC



DEFdef or defDEF






JKLjkl or jkIJKL



MNOmno or mnoMNO



PRSprs or prsPRS






WXYwxy or wxyWXY



QZqz or qzQZ

0 ,

',: 7 +10


& ( ) - / + * = <>#%(§)

In case of difficulty

What appears to be a malfunction may not always be serious. If your unit should not perform as expected,
consult the table below to see if the problem can be corrected before seeking help from your dealer or
service representative.

Operation to reset

The micrcprccesscr mayfall into malfunction (impossibility
to operate erroneous dispiay, etc.) when the power cord is

unplugged while power is ON or due to an external factor.
In this case, execute the following procedure to reset the
microprocessor and return it to normal condition.

Unplug the power cord from the power outlet

then, while holding the eject (A eject) key

depressed, plug the power cord again.

• Please note that resetting the microprocessor clears

the contents stored in, it returns the microprocessor
to the condition when it left the factory.

Symptoms related to MD standard

Title Copy cannot be selected with the numeric keys.



"DISC FULL" is displayed before the maximum
recording time of MD is reached.

• More than 255 tracks (track No. 256 or more) cannot be

recorded. (There may be also cases in which recording is
impossible while the track number is less than 256.)

• if information such as emphasis data is switched on and off

frequently in a track, it is handled as boundaries between
tracks and

"DISC FULL" may be displayed regardless of the

recording time or the actual number of tracks.

In such a case, the REMAIN time display shows


The recordable time does not increase after a short
track has been erased.

The remaining time display becomes

"0:00" when the

actual total remaining time of the Mini Disc is less than 12
seconds. The recordable time display changes when the
total time of the erased track exceeds 12 seconds.

• When a Mini Disc has been subjected to repeated editing,

the remaining time may not increase even after a short
track has been erased.

Tracks cannot be combined.

• A track created as a result of an editing operation may

sometimes be impossible to be combined with another

The total of the recorded time and recordable time
does not coincide with the total recording time of
the MD.

• As recording is performed on a minimum recording basis

of 2 seconds, the displayed time may not coincide with
the consumed disc capacity.

Sound is interrupted when a track created by edit­
ing is subjected to fast forward or fast backward


• Sound interruption may occur due to a combination of

various factors, and it is not a malfunction.

Tracks are not numbered correctly.

• A short track may be created dependirrg on the contents

of the recorded source (CD, for example).

The period in which "READING" is displayed is
abnormally long.

• "READING" is displayed for a longer period than usual

when a brand-new recordable Mini Disc (a virgin disc) is


• The Mini Disc in use has been processed with repeated

editing or contains a large number of tracks.

The displayed time is incorrect when a monaurally-

recorded Mini Disc is played.

• This is because the monaural recording and stereo re­

cording use different formats, and not a malfunction.

The total number of characters used in the titles is

less than 1792 characters.

• As the title recording areas are used on a per-7-character

basis, the total number of input characters may be less
than 1792.