Program mode commander keyboard, Tuner operation keyboard and pushbuttons, O tuning keys (up and down) – Kenwood KR-1000B User Manual

Page 10: O tune pushbutton, 0 sensi pushbutton, O mode pushbutton, O if band pushbutton, O stations keys, O memory key, O 0 o o

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Program mode commander keyboard

1 Loading or
j recalling keys

— Definition key

This keyboard consists of one definition key marked

MEMORY and four loading and recalling keys marked M-1,
M-2, M-3 and M-4. With these keys, up to four program

modes, signal flowcharts combined with preset broadcasts,
are stored in the memory. To store the program modes, first
push the MEMORY key, then one of the keys marked M-1
through M-4. Repeat this to store other programs.

Tuner operation keyboard and pushbuttons


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With six STATIONS keys, 6 FM and 6 AM broadcast stations

can be preset to facilitate instant tuning and programed

O TUNING keys (UP and DOWN)

Auto tuning - With the TUNE pushbutton set to AUTO,

when the UP key is pressed the tuning frequency indicat­
ed on the display automatically scans upward until a
broadcasting station is received: pushing the DOWN key

performs the opposite operation.

Manual tuning - With the TUNE pushbutton set to MAN­

UAL, pushing the UP (DOWN) key once increases (de­
creases) the frequency by one step. When the key is held
depressed, 2 ~ 3 seconds later the frequency is in­
creased or decreased rapidly. When it reaches the upper
(lower) limit of the frequency range, it is automatically
switched to the lower (upper) limit and advances at the
same speed.

O TUNE pushbutton

AUTO - This setting permits AM/FM scan tuning activated

by pushing the UP or DOWN key.

MANUAL - This setting permits manual AM/FM tuning by

pushing the UP or DOWN key each time or keeping it de­

0 SENSI pushbutton
Setting 1
- Permits the reception of only signals that are

strong enough to produce a good stereo. Switch to the

setting 2 when signals do not overcome the stereo
threshold level of this setting.

Setting 2 - Permits the reception of signals that are rela­

tively weak than that of setting 1, but strong enough to
produce stereo.

o MODE pushbutton
- In this setting, the FM tuner section switches automa­

tically between stereo and monaural reception in accor­
dance with the operation of the tuned station.

MONO - The setting provides monaural operation regard­

less of the transmitting mode and eliminates noise in FM

O IF BAND pushbutton

WIDE - For normal use and minimum distortion.
NARROW - If a very strong adjacent broadcast interferes

with the desired weak broadcast.

Preset AM/FM broadcasting stations and recall the preset
stations for instant tuning.

Press this key when storing the desired broadcasting station
in the memory then the word MEMORY lights in the fre­
quency display for about 5 seconds.