Deleting a setup code, Checking a setup code, Setup code correlation – Kenwood RC-R0905 User Manual

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Setup code correlation

Keys or controls used m tnts operat^or

Deleting a setup code


Hold down the ENT key until the backlight flashes twice.

© Select the component to be deleted.

Press the VIDEO, AUDIO, or TV key repeatedly to select the

desired component.

O Enter the 3 digit code "991".


Hold down the ENT key until the backlight flashes twice.

'At this time all inputs become available regardless any earlier


’ Example 1 : To delete the registration of the component connected to

the VIDEO 1 jacks, select "VIDEO t".

Perform each step within 5 seconds.

'To resume the factory settings, proceed step 1, then enter "981".

Checking a setup code


Hold down the ENT key until the backlight flashes twice.

© Select the component with setup code you want to check.

Press the VIDEO, AUDIO, or TV key repeatedly to select the

desired component.

O Enter the 3 digit code "990"

O Press the 1 key and count the number of times the backlight

blinks. This is the first number of the 4 digit setup code.

O Press the 2 key and count the number of times the backlight

blinks. This is the second number of the 4 digit setup code.

O Press the 3 key and count the number of times the backlight

blinks This is the third number of the 4 digit setup code.

O Press the 4 key and count the number of times the backlight

blinks. This is the fourth number of the 4 digit setup code.

' The backlight flashes twice tnnmediately after the "O' Is Input to confirm


’ It the backlight does not blink, the first digit in the setup code is 0.

If The backlight does not bimk, the second digit in the setup code is 0.

If the backlight does not blink, the third digit in the setup code is 0.

If the backlight does not blink, the fourth digit m the setup code is 0.

J6i Perform each step within 5 seconds.