Flying the endurance 400 – Carl Goldberg GBGA1082 User Manual

Page 10

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Prior to going to the flying field, with radio batteries fully

charged, turn on both receiver (Rx) and transmitter (Tx)

and actuate all controls many times until you are satis-

fied with all functions.

Before beginning each day's flying, make a range check

of your equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's

instructions. In general, with transmitter antenna col-

lapsed to 6"-8", you should have an at least 100 foot

range on the ground. To check this, turn on both the

transmitter and the receiver switches, set the model

heading away from you, and walk away while transmit-

ting signals to move the control surfaces. Watch to see

that no signals are missed until you are at least 100 feet

away. Only if the equipment works perfectly should any

flights be attempted. Again, be careful to not use your

transmitter when anyone else at the field is flying or

testing on the same frequency!

After the range check, stand behind the model and make

sure the control responses are correct. Moving the con-

trol stick to the right should give right rudder (on a 3-

channel set-up) . Moving the stick back or down on the

Tx should move the elevator up, and vice versa.

Finally, make sure that everything on your aircraft is

neatly and firmly in place-motor fastened down, servos

snugged down, receiver and battery wrapped in foam

rubber, etc. Prop and spinner must be tight. The receiv-

er antenna must be extended, not coiled up inside the

model. Nothing should be loose, or unfinished, or


With everything ready, the motor should be started for a

short time. While the motor is running, make sure the

control surfaces do not jitter or move until you command

them and that the motor switch also responds properly to

your command.

With transmitter and receiver switched on, hand launch

the model directly into the wind. Gently correct the flight

path as necessary. If any adjustments are needed to

maintain straight and level flight, get experienced help to

move the clevises.

In flight control. most of the beginner's trouble comes

from over-controlling or holding a signal too long. It is

better to operate your transmitter slowly and smoothly.

A troublesome tendency is letting the model get down-

wind. New flyers should try to keep the model upwind at

all times prior to the landing approach.

If you are a novice, seek the help of an experienced flyer.

Do not hesitate to ask one of the better flyers at the field

for help. Usually, they are glad to spend a little time to

get somebody started right, and they very likely were

helped in the same manner themselves.


Fly only in areas sanctioned for R/C and known to be

free of radio interference. Ask your hobby dealer or

other modelers if there is an R/C flying field that is used

by a local R/C club. This is the ideal place to fly. If you

don't know of an R/C club nearby, contact the Academy

of Model Aeronautics (AMA), at the address on the front

of this booklet, for information on a club in your area.

Remember: R/C flying fields need to have rules to help

prevent accidents, so ask about them before you turn

on any of your equipment! DO NOT TEST your trans-

mitter in the parking lot or anywhere nearby until

you are sure no one else is using your radio fre-

quency. This could cause another flyer to crash and

make you very unpopular!

If there is no club or other R/C flying site available,

locate a square area (preferably a grassy field), at least

four or five football fields long, which is free of power

lines, trees, poles, houses, busy streets and other

obstructions. It must be at least three miles away from

any areas where other R/C models, such as boats or

cars, are operated. It should also have a relatively

smooth surface, as it will take practice to learn precision

landings. If you find a suitable location, turn your receiv-

er on for 2 or 3 minutes to check that no one in the vicin-

ity is operating an R/C device which could affect your

receiver and cause your plane to crash.

The Endurance 400 was designed for long, slow, relaxed

flying - not loops or similar aerobatic maneuvers. Save

that kind of lying for your next, higher performance sport

plane. Practicing precise control and glide planning on

the Endurance 400 is good preparation for the demands

of advanced aerobatic flying.

We recommend you use 3 channels, as this will allow

you to cut power whenever you wish to do so. On your

first few flights, after a couple of minutes, you may feel

you have "had enough" and want to land and relax. A

2-channel system without motor control will not give you

this option; you will have to keep flying until the battery

power runs down.

You can expect a good solid 4 or 5 minutes of powered

flight with a properly charged battery. In this amount of

time, Endurance 400 will gain several hundred feet of

altitude and will allow you time to get oriented and famil-

iar with the control "feel." When the battery power

begins to run out, climb will slow down and the model

will begin a slow descent. You should continue flying

your same flying pattern as the model slowly glides.

For your initial landings, you should not be concerned

about trying to land at a specific spot. Your prime con-

cern should be a controlled landing, always into the

wind, with wing level. With practice, you will be able to

plan your approaches to land just about where you
