Music collection – BMW 2013 X5 User Manual
Page 201

Avoid fingerprints, dust, scratches and
Store CDs/DVDs in a sleeve.
Do not subject CDs/DVDs to temperatures
over 122 ℉/50 ℃, high humidity or direct
CDs/DVDs with copy protection
CDs/DVDs are often provided with a copy pro‐
tection feature by the manufacturer. This can
mean that some CDs/DVDs cannot be played or
can only be played to a limited extent.
This product contains copyrighted technology
that is based on multiple registered US patents
and the intellectual property of the Macrovision
Corporation and other manufacturers. The use
of this copy protection must be approved by
Macrovision. Media protected by this product -
unless otherwise agreed with Macrovision - may
only be used for private purposes. Copying of
this technology is prohibited.
DTS Digital Surround™
Manufactured under license under U.S.
Patent Numbers: 5,451,942; 5,956,674;
5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & and other
patents granted and registered in the USA and
worldwide. DTS and the logo are registered
trademarks & DTS Digital Surround and the DTS
logos are trademarks of DTS Inc. © DTS, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Music collection
Storing music
General information
Music tracks from CDs/DVDs and USB devices
can be stored in the music collection on a hard
disc in the vehicle and played from there.
Audio CD: tracks are converted into a com‐
pressed audio format. If available, informa‐
tion on the album, such as the artist, is
stored as well.
CD/DVD or USB device with compressed
audio files: the entire content of the CD/DVD
or the USB device is stored in the vehicle as
an album. The WMA, MP3, M4A, and AAC
formats are stored. Individual tracks and di‐
rectories can be deleted later, Deleting a
track and directory, refer to page
Tracks with DRM copy protection can be
stored but cannot be played back.
Backing up music data
Regularly back up the music data; other‐
wise, it could be lost if there is a fault on the hard
Music recognition technology and re‐
lated data are provided by Gracenote®.
Gracenote is the industry standard in music rec‐
ognition technology and related content deliv‐
ery. For more information, please visit
CD and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc.,
copyright © 2000-2011 Gracenote. Gracenote
Software, copyright © 2000-2011 Gracenote.
This product and service may practice one or
more of the following U.S. Patents: #5,987,525;
#6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132,
#6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6,240,459,
#6,330,593, and other patents issued or pend‐
ing. Some services supplied under license from
Open Globe, Inc. for U.S. Patent: #6,304,523.
Storing from a CD/DVD
Insert a CD or DVD into the CD/DVD player.
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