Pictures search cgi, Picture recording user's guide – Canon VB150 User Manual

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Picture Recording User's Guide

List format. Specify "html" to specify a list display page, or "anim" to specify a page

for SnapAnimator. If this parameter is omitted or an undefined value is specified,

"html" is used.


Specifies the HTTP server and the IP address of the HTTP server. If this parameter

is omitted, the IP address of the client side network interface is used*.


Target frame name for list display. Mandatory when a multi-frame configuration is

used to construct the picture search page.


Language used to display the desc command attribute information. Specify "english" for

English-language display and "japanese" for Japanese-language display. The default

value is "english". When an undefined value is specified, the default value is used.


Specifies the range for the search results. Specify an integer of 0 or more for either.

Of the list of recorded pictures that satisfy the search criteria, the list displayed

excludes the number of items specified by the skip parameter from the beginning of

the list and includes items up to the limit imposed by the limit parameter. If these

parameters are omitted or erroneous values are specified, skip is set to 0 and limit to

100. If limit is set to 0, no limit is applied.


Specifies the trigger that governs the main cause of picture recording. A setting of i0

restricts any external device input, and i1 and i2 restrict external device input to

inputs 1 and 2. A setting of s0 restricts any schedule setting, and s1, s2, s3 and s4

restrict schedule setting to settings 1,2,3, and 4. m is motion detection. If this

parameter is omitted, or an undefined value is specified, the trigger is unrestricted.


Parameter Name


Camera number used for recording. Specify a value from 1 to 4 as the camera

number. If this parameter is omitted or an undefined value is specified, the camera

number is unrestricted.


Start time for the recording period. Specify a setting using the "yyyymmddHHMMSS"

format (yyyy: year; mm: month; dd: day; HH: hour; MM: minute; SS: second). If this

parameter is omitted or an erroneous value is specified, the start time for the

recording period is unrestricted.

A part of the mm, dd, HH, MM, SS parameter can be omitted. The default settings

are 01 for mm and dd, and 00 for HH, MM and SS.


End time for the recording period. The specification format and the handling of

omitted or erroneous parameters is the same as for ts. A part of the mm, dd, HH,

MM, SS parameter can be omitted. The default settings are 12 for mm, 31 for dd, 23

for HH, and 59 for MM and SS.


Pictures Search CGI

The pictures search CGI includes the "enum" command to generate a list of recorded pictures that

satisfy the search criteria, the "desc" command to generate the video data display page, and the

"data" command to retrieve the video data.

enum Command

The "enum" command is used to generate a list display page for the search page and to

generate a page for SnapAnimator. The items shown in the recorded picture list generated by

the "enum" command are displayed in order of the time they were recorded.

enum Command Parameters


This is a function that corresponds to address replacement using <_I_P_A_D_D_R_>.

However, you cannot specify <_I_P_A_D_D_R_> itself.

Viewing and Distributing Recorded Pictures