AERCO Coil & Riser Replacement User Manual
Technical instructions

AERCO International, Inc. • 100 Oritani Dr. • Blauvelt, New York 10913 • Phone: 800-526-0288
Revised: 06/20/2011
Hardware Procedure:
Coil and Riser
Procedures for All Styles
of A, B, C, and D
Indirect-Fired Water
Applies to:
Indirect-Fire Water Heaters.
Description of Document:
This Technical Instruction Document
provides the instructions necessary for
removal and replacement of Coil
Assemblies and Risers contained in
AERCO Indirect-Fired Heat Exchangers.
These instructions must be performed
by a skilled service technician capable
of exercising the necessary safety
precautions when working with high
temperature, pressurized steam and
water systems.
Coil Assembly in Water Heater Heat Exchanger
The original document was formatted as
an Application Guide,
HE-109, but has now been changed
To a Technical Instruction Document
TID-0004), to better conform to the new
document definitions.
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Overview of Procedure
- 3. Reference Documents
- 4. Tools and Equipment Required
- 5. Heater Isolation and Disassembly
- 6. Assembly Preparation
- 7. Reassembly of Risers & Coil Bundle
- 8. Hydrostatically Testing Coils & Risers
- 9. Reassembly of Shell
- 10. Reinstalling Heater in Facility
- 11. Startup Procedure