Culligan Iron-Cleer Plus User Manual

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Thank You

And Welcome To Your New World Of Better Living With

Culligan Water.

This system and its installation must comply with state and local regulations.

The System is ONLY to be supplied with cold water.

The Culligan


Iron Cleer


water filter has been tested and certified by WQA

against WQA S-200 for the effective reduction of iron up to 1,400 gallons for

10” units and 2,000 gallons for 12” units.

Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate

disinfection before or after the system.

For installations in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Plumbing Code 248 CMR shall

be adhered to. Consult your licensed plumber for installation of the system. This

system and its installation must comply with state and local regulations. The use of

saddle valves is not permitted.

If this is your first experience having filtered, conditioned water in your home, you’ll be amazed at the

marvelous difference it makes. We promise that you’ll never want to be without it again.

Congratulations, too, on selecting one of the “first family” of water filters in the prestigious Culligan

Iron-Cleer. With Culligan’s many years of knowledge and experience in water treatment, you can be

confident that the model you selected has been designed and engineered to provide years of service

with a minimum of care and attention.

Products manufactured and marketed by Culligan International Company (Culligan) and its affiliates

are protected by patents issued or pending in the United States and other countries. Culligan reserves

the right to change the specifications referred to in this literature at any time, without prior notice.

Culligan, Culligan Iron-Cleer, Cullar, Filtr-Cleer, Cullneu, Accusoft, Culligan Man and www.culligan.

com are trademarks of Culligan International Company or its affiliates.

Attention Culligan Customer:
The installation, service and maintenance of this equipment should be rendered by a qualified and

trained service technician. Your local independently operated Culligan dealer employs trained service

and maintenance personnel who are experienced in the installation, function and repair of Culligan

equipment. This publication is written specifically for these individuals and is intended for their use.
We encourage Culligan users to learn about Culligan products, but we believe that product

knowledge is best obtained by consulting with your Culligan dealer. Untrained individuals who use

this manual assume the risk of any resulting property damage or personal injury.
