Kofax Transformation Modules 3.5 User Manual
Page 19

Kofax Transformation Modules Installation Guide
Use the following instructions to create and run a silent installation file.
To create a silent installation file for Kofax Transformation Modules
Select Start | Run and enter cmd to open a window.
Within the window, change to the folder that contains the Kofax Transfor-
mation Modules setup file. If the setup is located on a network drive, re-
member to map the network drive first.
Run the setup from the command line by entering the following command:
setup /r /f1"FullNameResponseFile.iss" [/f2"FullNameLogFile"] [/
Runs the setup and records it.
Specify the full path and name for the recording file, for example “C:
\SilentInstall\ServerSetup.iss”. Note that the extension for the file is
Use this optional parameter to create a log file. Specify the
full path and name for the log file, for example “C:\SilentIn-
stall\ServerSetup.log”. As the extension for the file you may use
either .log or .txt.
If you want a detailed log file, use this parameter instead of the
Specify the full path and name for the log file, for example “C:
\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetupDetailed.log”. As the extension for the
file you may use either .log or .txt.
Make sure that the directory to which you save the recording or
log files is accessible with read/write permissions, otherwise the files can-
not be created.