3 standard out box fields, Status – Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual
Page 79

TCfW Communication Server Client
© Copyright Kofax, Inc. All information is subject to change without notice.
3. Specify new recipient(s) for the messages and click Reroute. A window is displayed where you
must confirm the rerouting.
4. Click Yes to reroute all selected messages. If a message cannot be sent because of an error a
window is shown where you can
abort the complete reroute operation
ignore the error
send the message again
Standard OUT Box Fields
Normally these fields should be available in your OUT Box:
Each message entry in the OUT Box has one of the following statuses:
Message has arrived in the OUT Box and Kofax
Communication Server has yet to perform any
sending attempts. In case of internal sending this
status means that the message has not been touched
Message has arrived in the OUT Box. Number
locking is active for this channel. Since another
message with the same telephone number is already
active, this message is locked.
Sending in progress. At least one sending attempt has
been made. In case of internal sending this means
that the message has been touched (viewed, printed,
and copied).
Sending in progress. In case of internal sending this
status does not exist.