Kofax Communication Server 9.1.1 User Manual
Page 108

TCfW Communication Server Client
© Copyright Kofax, Inc. All information is subject to change without notice.
Forward: This command sends a copy of the message you have selected or opened to one or more receivers. The
original header is moved to the beginning of the message text, allowing you to re-address it and add comments.
Header: The part of the message containing the send options and receiver information.
Header Line: The small line at the very top of a fax message, containing date, time, sending fax number and sender
name. Can also include number of pages. The fax header line can be suppressed in the Send Options window.
Icon: A small, onscreen picture of a function or status. In TCfW, the Toolbar has a number of icons, or buttons, which
you click to execute corresponding functions (e.g., Send icon). The sending status of messages are also represented
by icons in the OUT and IN Boxes.
Image: Images contain fax pages, signatures and other graphical elements. Images are attached to a message and
can be scanned from hardcopy documents, printed from applications or imported from graphics files (.TIF, .PCX, .BMP,
Image Mode: Displays the message in its final fax format, including the completed cover sheet and overlays.
In Box: Shows all messages received by a user. Messages are categorized as unread, read or terminated.
LAN Break Message: A message that appears on LAN users' screens informing them of an error situation or other
Log Entry: A record of a message in Kofax Communication Server. A log entry may exist for a message even if the
message itself has been deleted.
Login: The process of entering a user ID and password in order to gain access to a computer system or program.
Automatic login provides a user with system access without requiring him/her to enter a user ID and password.
Merge Value: Merge values are codes inserted into cover sheets that retrieve stored values upon sending. For
example, a cover sheet may include the merge value $Name$. This merge value is then converted to Marcus Schmid,
the receiver name, when the message is sent.
Message: A message may consist of a header, a cover sheet, text and attachments.
Message Folder: Each user has one Message folder on Kofax Communication Server. You can view a specific group
of folder entries by defining Select Criteria. The selection of folder entries displayed in folder windows can also be
restricted to just the user's own messages. The Supervisor can select any user folder he/she wants or even view all
folders at once.
Object: In a compound document, an object is an independent block of data, text or graphics created in a separate
Out Box: Displays all messages sent by a user. For each receiver of a each message, one entry is created in the
OUT Box. The entries are categorized as active, inactive or terminated.
Overlay: An attached image superimposed on specified pages. You can apply overlays only to cover sheets.
Paintbrush: A Windows drawing program.
Personal User Folders: Each user can create, name, and keep an unlimited number of such folders in his/her PC or
LAN environment. These folders have the same appearance in TCfW as Kofax Communication Server
‘s folders.
PIN Code: Each user can have a unique and confidential Personal Identification Number. It is used to access the
user's IN Box and the FIS via fax machines. The PIN code is composed of the numerical user ID and a numerical
password, if defined.