Tc/link-mq: support for ibm websphere mq 8.0, Tcfw: timestamp now displays seconds, Support of 150 fax channels on virtual environment – Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual
Page 8: Searching in inbound fax messages, Fax over ip: characters in numbers for sip calls, Kcs capture connector: reject reception errors

About This Release
Kofax Communication Server Release Notes
▪ Email files (MSG and EML)
For each document type, you can configure the conversion tool in the registry key
See KCS Document Conversion Technical Manual for more details.
TC/LINK-MQ: Support for IBM WebSphere MQ 8.0
TC/LINK-MQ now supports IBM WebSphere MQ 8.0. The configuration is different to
previous releases:
▪ The configuration file AMQCLCHL.TAB is now located in the ProgramData folder.
The file is created on the MQ Server in the location
. Copy this file to the MQ Client folder
▪ There is a new Queue Manager property “Connection authentication”. By default, it is set
to SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.IDPWOS for new queue managers. Provide the correct
operating system password.
See TC/LINK-MQ Technical Manual.
TCfW: Timestamp Now Displays Seconds
TCfW now displays seconds along with hours and minutes in all timestamps. (329351)
Support of 150 Fax Channels on Virtual Environment
Kofax Communication Server has been successfully tested with 150 fax channels on virtual
computers in a tandem environment. (283885)
See KCS Environment Guide (Platform System Manual).
Searching in Inbound Fax Messages
Kofax Communication Server can route inbound fax messages via KCS Capture Connector to
Kofax Capture for optical character recognition. The converted messages then return to KCS.
As a result, you can now use text search in the fax messages. (284993, 293410)
Fax over IP: Characters in Numbers for SIP Calls
FoIP now supports “U” switch (unrestricted digits) in the fax number to support the
characters A, B, C, and D, in addition to digits 0 - 9. The U switch must be placed after all
other send switches. It is only supported for SIP calls. (318813)
KCS Capture Connector: Reject Reception Errors
You can now configure KCS Capture Connector to use a new custom script
to reject messages with a reception error, such as
interrupted faxes. Such messages are no longer imported to Kofax Capture. (318820)