Resolved issues, Vulnerabilities in openssl, Tc/link does not resolve ++cvr directive – Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual

Page 15: Tc/link-mx7: utf-8 message appears blank in tcfw, Chapter 3

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Kofax Communication Server Release Notes


Chapter 3

Resolved Issues

The following issues reported for a previous version of the product are fixed in this release.

Vulnerabilities in OpenSSL

▪ Heartbleed bug - Kofax Communication Server uses OpenSSL version vulnerable to the

Heartbleed bug. (323524)

▪ POODLE attack - Kofax Communication Server affected by POODLE issue, OpenSSL 1.0.1i

and lower. (540663)

New registry keys allow you to configure the behavior:


(default 0)


(default 0x03000004)


(default 0x03000004)

See TC/SOAP Technical Manual and TC/LINK-SM / TC/LINK-OC Technical Manual for more


TC/LINK Does Not Resolve ++CVR Directive

After upgrading to Unicode, the TC/LINK no longer resolves ++CVR directives. (317900)

TC/LINK-SM: PDF Attachments With Umlauts in the Name

PDF attachments with Umlauts in the name are presented as .DAT files in the recipients

Inbox. (322167)

TC/LINK-SM can be configured to use RFC2231 encoding in order to understand such files

correctly. This behavior is controlled by a new registry key



▪ 1 - RFC2231 encoding is enabled
▪ 0 - RFC2231 encoding is disabled (default value)

TC/LINK-MX7: UTF-8 Message Appears Blank in TCfW

UTF-8 message via Link-MX7 appears in TCfW as a blank message. (SPR00178735)

A new registry key


(REG_DWORD type) is added.

This registry key is used for deciding whether to delete the empty text body of a message

(that is, the message containing blank spaces).
▪ If


is set to 1 (default value), and the message contains empty text; the

empty text gets deleted.

▪ If


is set to 0, the empty text of the message is not deleted.