Changes in behavior, Tandem improvements, Tc/link-fi does not start - filesblacklist full – Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual

Page 10: Document converter: zero-length files, Tcoss: outgoing voice calls enabled

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About This Release


Kofax Communication Server Release Notes

The registry key is created at TC/LINK startup. The default break code value of all the errors

is set to '0' ( "LV=0 LX=0 LH=0 LI=0 M1=0")

The break code value can be set from 1 to 5. Based on this value, the message retries are


Changes in Behavior

This section contains information about the differences in behavior between Kofax

Communication Server 10.0.0 and previous releases.

Tandem Improvements

With the improved behavior, Tandem Server now should never go into the desynchronized

state at the expense of not running at all in certain error situations. This is the default and

the recommended setting. As a consequence of the new default, the primary master stops

automatically if neither the secondary master nor the status agent can be reached. (318258)

The improvements can be deactivated using a new registry value



, which must be set identically on both

primary and secondary master:
▪ 0 - Never run without proper quorum (default value)
▪ 1 - Primary/Secondary master can run stand-alone without status agent

See Tandem Server Technical Manual for more details.

TC/LINK-FI Does Not Start - FilesBlackList Full

Read-only files can fill up the registry value


. As a result, TC/LINK-FI does

not start. (321020)

TC/LINK-FI now creates a registry value



during its startup. Use this registry

value to configure whether read-only files are deleted.
▪ 1 - Delete read-only files (default value)
▪ 0 - Do not delete read-only files.

See TC/LINK-FI Technical Manual for more details.

Document Converter: Zero-Length Files

For the registry key


, the default value is now 0 - empty attachments

are silently ignored.

TCOSS: Outgoing Voice Calls Enabled

For Kofax Communication Server 10 installations, UIF/UFI configuration line 295, position 1

“Outgoing voice calls” is now enabled (01) by default. When upgrading to KCS 10, the value

is not modified. (318311)

See TCOSS Configuration Manual for more details.