Known issues, Tc/web: message count missing in inbox / outbox, Tc/web: sorting in recipient and user tool – Kofax Communication Server 10.0.0 User Manual

Page 27: Kcs easyconfig update, Tcoss: downgrade to kcs 9.2.0, Chapter 4

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Kofax Communication Server Release Notes


Chapter 4

Known Issues

This section contains information about potential issues that you could encounter while using

Kofax Communication Server.

TC/Web: Message Count Missing in Inbox / Outbox

TC/Web no longer displays the message count if you filter messages with the status “New

and Read”. (319699)

TC/Web: Sorting in Recipient and User Tool

In the Recipient and User tools, it is no longer possible to sort entries by clicking a column

header. (545225)

Workaround: Sort the entries by selecting Ascending or Descending from the column header


KCS EasyConfig Update

If you upgrade an older KCS deployed via EasyConfig to the latest release, you must start the

KCS EasyConfig tool and redeploy the configuration. (SPR00104109)

1 Upgrade to the latest KCS release by starting EasySetup.exe from the installation ISO.

2 Start the KCS EasyConfig tool from the Kofax Communication Server program group

on the Windows Start menu. EasyConfig informs you that the current configuration has

been modified.

3 Click Deploy.

4 Select to deploy All. Click OK. Wait until the configuration is updated.

5 Perform the actions listed in the deployment log (for example, you might need to restart

certain KCS components). Click Close.

Small Fonts in Fax RTF Covers on Windows Server 2012 R2

When converting fax messages with RTF cover sheets, the font in the cover sheet is very small

after conversion on Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system. (318925)

Workaround: Install Windows update KB2930275.

TCOSS: Downgrade to KCS 9.2.0

WConfig of KCS 9.2.0 cannot install a configuration locally to a file structure, which already

was used with KCS 10.0.0 or later. The layout of the config file ASYSCONFCCCC changed.