Source code – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 User Manual
Page 9

Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 Release Notes
Kofax, Inc.
Administration and Release Workstations – Additional Requirements
The Ascent Capture Administration and Release workstations must have the following
components installed:
Ascent Capture 7.0, 7.5, or Kofax Capture 8
Hummingbird DM API and DM Extensions API 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.05, or 5.2.1
Hummingbird Windows Explorer DM Extension 5.0, 5.1, 5.1.05, or 5.2.1
We recommend that you install the Hummingbird DM 5.1 Performance Patch Build 168 (for
Hummingbird DM 5.1 with Patch 2) or Build 169 (for Hummingbird DM 5.1 with Patch 1) on your
client workstations.
Source Code
The source code for the Ascent 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM is provided and it is
located on the Ascent 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 installation CD in the
Hummingbird\DM5 folder. The source code can be opened, edited, and compiled in Visual
Basic 6.0 with Service Pack 6.
X To modify the release script
Install the Hummingbird DM release script. Refer to Installing the Release Script on page 23
for the installation instructions. When you install the Hummingbird DM release script,
you will install the required components referenced in the source code.
Open, make any desired modifications, and compile the Hummingbird DM source code
in Visual Basic.
Copy the newly created DMRel5_v7.dll to the installation directory (for example,
C:\Program Files\Ascent\CAP\DMRel5_v7\DMRel5_v7.dll). When you are prompted
to replace the existing file, select “Yes.” You will need to repeat this procedure on each
Administration and Release workstation that will be using the Hummingbird DM release
script. You may want to make a copy of the file for backup purposes, and store the copy in
a safe location.
In order to successfully modify and compile the release script, development must occur on a
workstation with the appropriate versions of Ascent Capture, CAPTools, and the Hummingbird
DM release script previously installed. To use the modified release script, you must replace the
Hummingbird release script DMRel5_v7.dll with the modified version on the client workstation.
If you receive an access denied error, you will need to close the Administration module.
Refer to the documentation that came with your Hummingbird DM product and Visual Basic
documentation for assistance.