Dm check box attributes requires numeric values, Releasing to localized versions of hummingbird dm, Excluding dm profile attributes – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 User Manual

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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 Release Notes

Kofax, Inc.


DM Check Box Attributes Requires Numeric Values

The Hummingbird DM release script allows you to establish links between DM index fields and

Ascent Values. However, the DM check box data type only accepts numeric string values. You

must use “1” for a checked value and any other numeric string value for an unchecked value (for

example, “0” or “2”).


The numeric values must be in quotation marks.

Releasing to Localized Versions of Hummingbird DM

When you are releasing to German Hummingbird DM version 5.1, the Ascent 7.0 Release Script

for Hummingbird DM requires an INI file containing localized table names. You must create the

INI file in the Ascent Capture root directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Ascent) and name it

“DMTables.INI.” The INI file must contain a section named “[Table Names]” followed by the

localized table names. The following information must be entered into the “DMTable.INI” file:

[Table Names]


[Table Names] is the section name and each subsequent line refers to a localized table in

Hummingbird DM. The INI file name, section name, and table names are not case sensitive.

If you do not create the DMTables.INI file and attempt to login to the German Hummingbird DM

release script, login will fail with an error message similar to the following:

The retrieval query did not return results.


The third table name (DOC_GROUPS_ENABLED) requires an underscore prior to the

localized prefix. The fourth table name (DOC_KEYWORD) may not require a localized prefix.

Notice that if you attempt to use the INI file on an English system, you will receive an error. This

happens because the table names expected by the Hummingbird DM release script do not match

the actual names on the Hummingbird DM server. You will receive the following error message

on the English system:

Runtime error. <

DM Server Name

>: <

DM Server Name

> Your search was unsuccessful.

Excluding DM Profile Attributes

The DM index fields defined for a profile will display in the DM Profile Attributes area on the

Document Settings tab and Folder Settings tab. If desired, you can prevent one or more of the DM

index fields from displaying in the list.

To do so, you must create a file named ACFusion.INI and store this file on the Ascent Capture

server’s installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\AscentSS\AscentSV).

X To create the ACFusion.INI file


From Windows Explorer, select Program Files | Ascent.