Releasing batches – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 User Manual
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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM 5.0-5.1 Release Notes
Kofax, Inc.
Releasing Batches
With the Ascent 7.0 Release Script for Hummingbird DM, the Ascent Capture Release module will
process batches based on the settings of the associated batch classes. The Release module is
responsible for releasing documents, as well as index data using the attributes defined during
release setup.
The Ascent Capture Release module usually runs as an unattended module on a Windows
workstation, periodically polling the Release module for available batches. The Release module
may be configured to run during off-hours to avoid any impact to the throughput of Ascent
Capture and/or the network system. To start the Release module, select
Start | Programs | Ascent Capture | Release. All batches queued for release will be released after
initiation of the Release module.
Refer to your Ascent Capture Help for more information about configuring the Release
module (Ascent Capture Help keyword: Release module > about). You can display Ascent Capture
Help from the Help menu available from any Ascent Capture module. Alternatively, you can click
Start | Programs | Ascent Capture | Ascent Capture Help.
X To release a batch
Start the Ascent Capture Release module. The module’s main screen will display. Any
batches waiting to be released will be processed.
Once your batch is released, it will be removed from Ascent Capture. If any documents or
pages are rejected, the batch will be routed to the Ascent Capture Quality Control module.
When you want to exit the Release module, select Batch | Exit from the Release module’s
menu bar.