Document objects, 20 c – Kofax DM API User Manual
Page 40

Document Objects
Dim doc As New PCDDocObject
If docnumber = "" Or versionid = "" Then
MsgBox "Check In requires that you set " _
& "the document number and " _
& "the version ID."
Exit Sub
End If
doc.SetDST DST
doc.SetObjectType "cyd_defprof"
doc.SetProperty "%TARGET_LIBRARY", library
doc.SetProperty "%OBJECT_IDENTIFIER", docnumber
doc.SetProperty "%VERSION_ID", versionid
doc.SetProperty "%STATUS", "%UNLOCK"
'Check for error.
Dim lngENum As Long
lngENum = doc.ErrNumber
If lngENum <> 0 Then
Dim strEDesc As String, strENum As String
strEDesc = doc.ErrDescription
strENum = CStr( lngENum )
MsgBox "Error " & strENum & ": " & strEDesc
'Handle the error...
End If
Set doc = Nothing
Set doc = New PCDDocObject
doc.SetDST DST
doc.SetObjectType "cyd_defprof"
doc.SetProperty "%TARGET_LIBRARY", library
doc.SetProperty "%OBJECT_IDENTIFIER", docnumber
'Check for error.
Dim lngENum As Long
lngENum = doc.ErrNumber
If lngENum <> 0 Then
Dim strEDesc As String, strENum As String
strEDesc = doc.ErrDescription
strENum = CStr( lngENum )
MsgBox "Error " & strENum & ": " & strEDesc
'Handle the error...
End If