Retrieving recently edited documents, Dm search transactions – Kofax DM API User Manual
Page 33

DM Search Transactions
operation. The default is 10. You do not need to repeat the
execution of the search to get the next chunk. DM automatically
does that for you.
10 Execute the search.
For the search results returned, you can:
Obtain the number of rows found.
Get all the returned properties.
Iterate through the rows.
Get values for properties returned by the search.
Release the results set to free server memory.
Recently Edited
The following example shows how to retrieve a list of documents that
the user has recently edited.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rec As New PCDRecentDoc
Dim i As Long
Dim lim As Long
Dim row As String
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
rec.SetDST DST
rec.AddSearchLib library
'This example uses the CYD_DEFPROF search form.
rec.SetSearchObject "CYD_DEFPROF"
rec.AddSearchCriteria "TYPIST_ID", Chr(34) _
& user & Chr(34)
rec.AddReturnProperty "DOCNUM"
rec.AddReturnProperty "SYSTEM_ID"
rec.AddReturnProperty "APP_ID"