JMC Next-Gen Web Server Install User Manual

Page 8

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Initial Catalog=webjmc

User ID=webjmc


Make sure you don’t add any spaces or anything else. Then go up to File and down to Save.

Now go back and do the same thing for each of the other 4 folders for JMC Web. They will each have a
connectionStrings file that needs to be edited. You cannot just copy the entire updated web file to the other
folders. Each individual file has unique info in it for each folder.

Now test each by opening a web browser on the server and go to:








and make sure you get to each. It may take a little bit to get into each one the first time, so be patient. After
that, they should come up very quickly.

You will notice that the Scheduler site is not in the list. It is only accessed from within JMC Web, and not a
web link.

If your DNS is working, you can also put the DNS name in for localhost on each, and make sure it works. Now
try it with your DNS name from a different computer on your network, and make sure it works. Lastly, if you
have this server open to the outside world, have someone outside try to get to it with your DNS name, if it has
propagated. If not, put in the outside IP address for localhost, and try it.

Don’t forget to go back into the Windows Firewall Control Panel, and turn it back on.

JMC recommends that you use SSL to secure your JMC Web server. You will need to contact a vendor to sell
you the certificates, and they will be able to give you instructions on how to install them on your Windows 2008
server. To find vendors, just use a web browser and search for ssl certificates. Here is a link to very good
instructions for setting this up in Windows Server 2008.

Once you have SSL working, you won’t be able to get to your JMC site using http in your url, so you will want
to redirect any http traffic to the https site. We already added the HTTP Redirection Role Service on page 2
of the Win2008ServerSetup document, so the service is already running. Now we need to configure it to work
for your JMC Next Generation server. Again, this is only done if you are using an SSL certificate.

The first step is to go to the Start menu and up and over to Computer. Then double-click on the C: drive and
open the inetpub folder. At the top, click on New Folder and name it REDIRECTHTTP.

Go back into Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and click on the + next to your server name in the
upper left corner. Then highlight the Sites folder and click on Add Web Site… in the upper right corner.

Type HTTPRedirection for the Site Name, and then click on the button, next to the Physical Path field,
and navigate to the folder named REDIRECTHTTP you just created. At the bottom, type in your JMC web
server DNS name in the Host Name field, and click OK.