JMC Next-Gen Web Server Install User Manual

Page 12

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Click on Next again, then at the screen after that, click on Complete and Next. Lastly, click on Install. When it
is done installing, click on Finish.

Go to the Start menu in the bottom left corner, and up to All Programs, and up again to MySQL, and click on
MySQL Administrator. At the first screen, put in localhost for Server Host, and the Username of root, and
the Password for root you created in the MySQL Community Server install process on page 8 of the
JMCServer2008Setup document, and click OK.

Since we configured all the MySQL stuff already in MySQL Workbench, we don’t have to do any of that. We
just have to configure the backup scheme and schedule it.

At the main MySQL Administrator screen, click on Backup on the left, and then New Project at the bottom.
Then next to Project Name type in JMC Backup, and click on webjmc under Schemata, and click on the >
arrow to copy the webjmc database to the window on the right.