JMC Next-Gen Web Server Install User Manual

Page 16

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Windows Client

First, you will need to download and install an ODBC Connector. Here are the links to the correct ones.

Win XP – Win 7 -

Win 8 -

Once you have downloaded the installer, go find it and run the installer. When the installer comes up, the only
window you have to do anything on is the License Agreement window. Accept it, and click Next, and then
leave the other screens alone and follow through the install.

Now let’s configure the ODBC Administrator that will allow the JMC POS and/or Form Designer to
communicate with the JMC Web server.

To launch ODBC Administrator on a Windows XP client, go to the Start menu and over to Search. Choose to
search for Files and Folders, and type in Data Sources. When it comes up, you can stop the search, and
double-click on Data Sources.

To launch ODBC Administrator on a Windows 7 or Vista, 32-bit client, go to the Start menu and in the
Search field where the cursor is flashing, type in Data Sources, and you will see it at the top, so double-click
on it.

If you are using a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or Vista on the client computer, you will need to run the 64-bit
version of Data Sources instead. You can find it on the hard drive in the Windows:SysWOW64 folder. It is
named odbcad32, so just navigate there and double-click on it.

To launch ODBC Administrator on a Windows 8 client, go to the Start menu and in the Search field where
the cursor is flashing, type in Data Sources. It should show both the 32 and 64-bit versions, and you will want
to click on the 32-bit version for all Windows 8 versions.

Here is what it looks like on a Windows client. First, click on the System DSN tab in the upper left corner, and
then Add… to the right. Scroll down and highlight the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver, and click on Finish.

At the next screen, yours will look similar to below. You can put in any name you want in the Data Source
Name (DSN)
. You will need it later, so write it down. Put in your JMC Web server url or ip address, without the
http://, in the TCP/IP Server field. Then put jmcssl in the User, and the Password for jmcssl.

Once you do that, click on the down arrow to the right of the Database field, and your webjmc database
should be in the list, so click on it. Now click on Test, and it should tell you it was successful. Then click on OK
twice. The client computer is now talking to your JMC Web server, so you are ready to run the JMC POS
and/or Form Designer application. When you run either application the first time, you will need the DSN, User,
and Password from above.