JMC Next-Gen Web Server Install User Manual
Page 4

There are two more things to adjust in MySQL Workbench, so go up to Options File on the left side of the
window. Then choose the Networking tab, and make sure max_allowed_packet is checked, and change the
number in the field to 2097152. Then go to the Performance tab, and make sure query_cache_size is
checked, and change the number in the field to 127M, and then click Apply in the bottom right corner. At this
point, it may ask you to type in your root password, so do that and click OK.
You then need to stop and start MySQL server for the changes to take effect, so go to Startup/Shutdown in
the upper left, and click on the Stop Server button to the right. Once it says it is stopped, click on the Start
Server to start it up again. Wait until it shows that it is started, and then you are done.
We are now done configuring MySQL Workbench, so exit out of it by clicking on the X in the top right corner.
Section 7 – Getting JMC Web Running
We now have to get the JMC Web running, and there are 3 things we have to do to get it going.
First, we have to create an Application Pool for each of the sections of JMC Web. They are JMC (Office),
Parent, Scheduler, Student and Teacher. They each have a folder in the Default Web Site folder on the
server, so we must configure them.
To create the Application Pools, go to the Start menu in the bottom left corner, and go to the Administrative
Tools selection that is up and over to the right, and then up and over to Internet Information Services (IIS)
In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click on the + in the upper left corner next to your server’s
name. Then click on Application Pools below that, and then click on Add Application Pool… in the upper
right corner of the window.