Receiver operation – Inovonics FA416 User Manual
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© 1997 Inovonics Wireless Corporation LIT-FA416-INSTALL
02304e 23-Oct-02
Receiver Operation:
Output activation: Outputs will open or close upon activation of the point. This function is determined
collectively for all outputs by placement of the Output Select Jumper. (If the jumper position is changed
after transmitters have been programmed, it will be necessary to press the receiver Reset Button.) Activation
of an output is indicated by the corresponding Output LED on the FA416 board. The fifth LED is the Global
Fault LED.
Fault output operation: By default, the Global Fault Output will activate upon recognition of a trouble
condition. Tamper and Low Battery signals will cause the Global Fault Output to latch. Inactive conditions
will follow the current state of the transmitter.
A point is declared inactive as follows: The receiver looks for at least one supervisory transmission (or
"check-in") from each supervised transmitter during the period of time programmed as the supervisory
window. The first time the receiver gets a supervisory signal from a transmitter within a new window, it
considers the transmitter active for the remainder of the window. If it fails to receive a signal in the following
supervisory window, it declares the point inactive at the end of the window. The actual time between a
transmitter becoming inactive and being reported inactive will range from slightly more than the supervisory
window value to slightly less than twice the window period. For example, the default supervisory window is 4
hours. If a transmitter becomes inactive, the inactive fault output will be triggered in 4 to 8 hours.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For most applications, Inovonics recommends a 4-hour supervisory window. In
conjunction with a 60-second transmitter check-in interval, this provides highly reliable supervision. If
significantly shorter supervisory windows or for significantly longer check-in periods are desired,
please consult Inovonics technical service.
Note: If another output is assigned a global fault function, such as global tamper, that function will no longer
be reported at the Global Fault output.
Displaying fault and active conditions without the display: Fault conditions will cause the Global Fault
LED to light. It can be reset via the Reset input or the Reset button. Without the display or the FA116
programmer, trouble-shooting global faults is primarily a matter of deduction and of systematically checking
transmitters for low batteries and tamper conditions. Inactive transmitters which have previously worked well
can usually be attributed to low batteries.
Displaying fault and active conditions with the display: Faults can be identified by point and type. Press
the Review button on the FA516 while observing the status LEDs. Trouble conditions will be indicated by
LEDs on the FA516 and the point will be shown on the Channel Display. The display will show multiple
faults, by stepping through each trouble type in sequence, showing points affected. If a point is activated
and/or in trouble the Output LEDs will indicate which output is assigned to the activated and/or troubled