Sidstation – Elektron Sidstation User Manual
Page 39

Owners Manual
88 | LFO1 Speed | | x | CONT
89 | LFO1 Depth | | x | CONT
90 | LFO1 AddDepth | | x | CONT
91 | LFO1 Fade In | | x | CONT
92 | LFO1 Sample And Hold | | x | CONT
93 | LFO1 Lace Speed | | x | CONT
94 | LFO2 Speed | | x | CONT
95 | LFO2 Depth | | x | CONT
102 | LFO2 AddDepth | | x | CONT
103 | LFO2 Fade In | | x | CONT
104 | LFO2 Sample And Hold | | x | CONT
105 | LFO2 Lace Speed | | x | CONT
106 | LFO3 Speed | | x | CONT
107 | LFO3 Depth | | x | CONT
108 | LFO3 AddDepth | | x | CONT
109 | LFO3 Fade In | | x | CONT
110 | LFO3 Sample And Hold | | x | CONT
111 | LFO3 Lace Speed | | x | CONT
112 | LFO4 Speed | | x | CONT
113 | LFO4 Depth | | x | CONT
114 | LFO4 AddDepth | | x | CONT
115 | LFO4 Fade In | | x | CONT
116 | LFO4 Sample And Hold | | x | CONT
117 | LFO4 Lace Speed | | x | CONT
SYSEX messages:
(All data starting with a dollar sign ($) is printed in hexadecimal format.)
SYSEX init:
All SYSEX messages start with this sequence.
MIDI Byte | Purpose
$f0 | SYSEX Start
$00 | Europe/USA ID
$20 | Europe ID
$3c | Elektron ID
$01 | SidStation ID
$00 | Base channel (Padding)
SYSEX Patch all clear:
Clears all patch positions.
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)
$01 | Dump Patch memory all clear ID
$45 | Magic byte
$2d*14 | Pad
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX Patch dump:
This is the data that is sent and received for patch dump.
MIDI Byte | Purpose
(SYSEX init)
$02 | Dump Patch ID
$00 | Dump Patch version
%000000aa | aa = upper bits of patch size (in bytes)
%0aaaaaaa | aaaaaaa = lower bits of patch size (inbytes)
$2d*24 | Pad
$45 | Start of Patch Data bytes
... | Patch Data bytes ( See separate documentation )
$f7 | SYSEX end
SYSEX Skip Patch (Clear):
This message is sent/received for increasing the current patch position.
MIDI Byte | Purpose