Direct controls (ctrl), Local patch synchronisation (sync), Sidstation – Elektron Sidstation User Manual
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Owners Manual
The Pitch sub-menu opens up the following screen:
Here you set the legato mode for the notes played.
With legato off, portament o is always active. Legato on means that portamento is only activated
when a note is initiated while another note is held. In other words with legato on portamento is
only activated for notes played legato.
Direct controls (CTRL)
The CTRL sub-menu holds the direct control routing information for the four realtime controllers:
In SidStation it is possible for the user to assign a direct control destination to a number of
parameters in the SidStation synthesis engine. It is then possible to tweak the corresponding
realtime controller in patch play mode to directly control the parameter selected. See the
section “The menu system, Patch play mode” for more information about the play mode.
To assign a direct control, simply select one from the screen above to enter its sub-menu:
The direct controllers will appear in the order 1 to 4 in the play mode screen. In the screen
above we are editing direct control number 1.
The DC1 parameter is the destination selected for control with direct control 1. "No Control"
means that no destination has been chosen for this Direct Controller (will be seen as "---" in the
play mode screen). If No Control is chosen continuos MIDI control data is still output when the
knobs are turned, so that the SidStation can be used as an external MIDI control box.
It is possible to limit the output range for a direct control, which can be useful in some cases. An
example is a bass sound with a filter cut-off direct control. The patch programmer might want to
limit the cut-off so that the user that plays his patch doesn’t turn down the cut-off too much. The
Lu and Ld parameters are used for this.
Ld is the lower limit value selected for this direct control.
Lu is the upper limit value selected for this direct control.
Local patch synchronisation (Sync)
The Sync sub-menu contains the local synchronisation parameters for the current patch:
Each patch in SidStation can have its own unique synchronisation setting. See section “The
menu system, System” for more information about the following parameters: