The lfo modulation control source menu (ctrl), Sidstation – Elektron Sidstation User Manual
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Owners Manual
Triangle waveform with AbZ
The Inv switch selects the inversion of the waveform. For instance a square waveform goes
from low to high and back to low. If Inv is set the sequence is now high to low and back to high
By moving the focus to the extreme right you access the second screen:
S/H sets the value for the Sample and Hold. Sample and hold holds the output of the LFO fixed
for a certain amount of time. A low value holds the value a shorter time. OFF disables the
Sample and hold function. See below for an example of sample & hold on a triangle waveform:
Sample & Hold
Lace controls the interlace speed of the current LFO output. Interlace is a special feature that
allows the current LFO to be interleaved with another source. This is done by rapidly inserting
values from another source into the output of the LFO at the rate specified by Lace. The result is
a non-continuos or “chopped-up” LFO waveform. A low value gives a quick interleave function.
OFF disables the interlace function.
-With selects the source of which the current LFO output is interlaced with. The source can be a
zero value or the output of another LFO. See figure below for a typical example.
Triangle waveform, A
Inverted ramp waveform, B
A laced with B
The LFO modulation control source menu (CTRL)
A LFO parameter in SidStation can be modulated by an external MIDI source event.
CTRL sets the source of the LFO parameter modulation. The different modulation sources are:
• ModWh - Modulation Wheel
• PBend - Pitch bend
• Veloc - Velocity
• AfTch - Aftertouch