Common parameters, Ommon parameters, Sidstation – Elektron Sidstation User Manual
Page 23

Owners Manual
Loop from step xx (xx is edited in focus position 2)
Stop playing the table (continue with normal mode)
1: Unless the step command Off or a waveform is selected the original waveform for the current oscillator will play. Any
changes in oscillator sync, ringmodulation and pitch will affect the original waveform when using tables.
2: A loop can not be initiated from step 00, since this would give an infinite loop.
Select a triangle waveform using the “1” key:
The second focus position lets you either select the loop point or set synchronise and
ringmodulation on/off:
If the current step is a loop command then this is where the loop point is entered (only loop
points with and index lesser than the current step is accepted). Once the table is played it will
play until the loop command and then restart at the index specified by the loop point. Since we
have entered a waveform we can select oscillator synchronisation on/off for this step using the
“1”. The “2” key selects ring modulation on/off for the current step.
The third focus position sets the step note pitch mode using the keypad:
Key Mode Description
Sets the note pitch to fixed mode
Subtracts the note pitch in from the base note currently played
Adds the note pitch to the base note currently played
No change to the original base note pitch
1: When the F mode is selected, the table step ignores the pitch of the original MIDI note. This is good for fixed drums,
and for adding some noise at the beginning of a sound.
The fourth focus position sets the actual note pitch:
For the fixed note pitch mode (F) you can enter a value from 00 to 81 which will be the note
number that will be played for this row, no matter what MIDI key that is received.
For positive and negative values a value from 00 to 47 semitones can be entered. This will be
added or subtracted from the current base note pitch when this step is replayed.
This is the whole procedure to program one step in a table. Now it is just a matter of adding
more steps to build up your table. As said once before, it takes some practise to master it. See
section “Programming tips” for more information about how to use tables.
Common parameters
The global patch parameters are located in the common sub menu. To access the common sub
menu you have to go back up to the edit mode screen. The selection Cm opens the screen