A-196, System a - 100, In- / outputs – Doepfer A-196 PLL User Manual
Page 6

System A - 100
5. In- / Outputs
This socket is the control voltage input of the internal
VCO. The socket is normalled to the internal filter
output, i.e. the CV for the VCO comes from the filter
output provided that no plug is inserted into socket !.
The VCO of the A-196 can be used as a
simple rectangle VCO with linear control
response. To control the VCO frequency a
suitable voltage has to be fed into socket !. To
obtain scale and offset control an A-129-3 or
A-167 can be used.
Socket " is the VCO output signal (rectangle wa-
veform). Internally this signal is connected to input 1 of
the phase comparator.
In 1
This socket is input 1 of the phase comparator. The
socket is normalled to the internal VCO output ", i.e.
input 1 of the PC comes from the internal VCO provi-
ded that no plug is inserted into socket §.
In 2 (Signal In)
This socket is the second signal input of the PC. The
external PLL signal input (e.g. VCO A-110 or fre-
quency divider A-163) is connected to this socket.
This socket is the output of the currently selected
phase comparator (selected with switch 4). It is a
digital signal (high/low/tri state) that is internally
connected to the low pass filter input. This output can
be used to process the PC signal with external modu-
les (e.g. VC slew limiter A-171). The processing modu-
les have to be DC coupled as sub-audio frequencies
have to be processed ! Only for special effects even
AC-coupled modules (e.g. normal audio filter) may be
This socket is the low pass filter output. The socket
is internally connected to the control input of the the
VCO via the normalling socket !. The same notes as
in the preceeding paragraph are valid. But the PC
output is already pre-filtered with the internal low pass.
A combination of the internal low pass and an external
processing module (e.g. A-171) can be used to gene-
rate the desired VCO control voltage.