Operation – Doepfer SK2000 Midi Masterkeyboard (device no longer available) User Manual

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User's Guide


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Power On

After power on the LED turns on and the SK2000 enters the play mode.
None of the 64 Presets available in the SK2000 are called-up automatically. Rather an XG reset is executed
leading to the standard settings of the built-in XG sound card:

Part 1-16 is assigned to the MIDI channels 1-16 (i.e. part 1 = channel 1, part 2 = channel 2 and so on)

'Grand Piano' sound is chosen for all parts except part 10 (channel 10)

Part 10 is set to basic Drumset

Menu Structure


Originally the SK2000 was designed as a simple combination of our PK88 keyboard with a built-in sound
card as many PK88 customers asked for such a device. Only changing the sound should be possible.
During the development of the SK2000 we recognized that many of the features of the built-in sound card
(Yamaha DB51XG) would lie idle in this case. So we added the possibility to adjust the most important
sound parameters of the sound card. To maintain the compact size of the PK88 and to keep the SK2000
affordable, we refrained from adding a lot of expensive controls like displays, rotary controls, buttons (like
our other MIDI master keyboards LMK4+ or LMK2+). This is the reason why the operation of the SK2000
may appear a little bit complicated and not state of the art. But we tried to make the sound card features
available even under these limited conditions. If you want to use only the basic functions (i.e. changing the
sound) the operation will be very easy. Only the far-reaching functions will be a little bit long-winded.
For a more comfortable control of the sound card we recommend the usage of an XG editor program or
external MIDI controllers like the Pocket Control or Drehbank. The OEM version version of Emagic's
SoundDiver is supplied with the SK2000 for that purpose (PC and Mac version on CD).

There are 7 menus available which are selected by means of the 8 MENU-keys in combination with the two
buttons part 1 and 2.