Doepfer SK2000 Midi Masterkeyboard (device no longer available) User Manual
Page 13

User's Guide
Page 13
In the next few paragraphs the function of each menu is briefly discussed. A detailed description of each
menu can be found in the next section after that.
On top of the SK2000 there is a short menu description so that you will need the user's manual no longer in
the future as soon as you are familiar with the SK2000 operation:
The first 8 keys are the menu keys
White characters on black background indicate the preselect keys, labelled 1-16 controls the
functions of the keys in the menus: sound, effect and parameter.
Black characters on white background indicate value/number keys, labelled 1-64.
The SK2000 has 64 presets. A preset contains data about the complete XG sound configuration, i.e. all
changeable parameters of the XG section (MIDI channel, volume, velocity sensitivity, filter, effects and so
on). A new preset is called up by pressing the menu key (leftmost key) followed by one of the number keys
1-64. Then the keyboard returns to the PLAY-mode.
Whenever a preset is selected a lot of MIDI data is sent to the internal sound card. During this time the MIDI
input of the SK2000 is not scanned and no MIDI data should appear at the MIDI input during this time.
Otherwise data delay or data loss of the incoming MIDI messages may appear.
None of the Presets available in the SK2000 is called-up automatically after the device is switched on.
Rather a XG reset is executed leading to the standard settings of the built-in XG sound card (see
Operation/Power on for details). As long as no preset is called up all changes are not stored in the preset
memory of SK2000. This means that you may experiment with this default setting without changing any of
the SK2000 presets. After power off/on the default setting is called up again.
This menu serves to set the MIDI channels and volume settings for part 1 and 2 of the XG sound generation.
After entering this menu by pressing the second menu key the MIDI channel is set with the preselect keys
1-16, the volume ist set with the value/number keys 1-64.
The MIDI channel of part 1 is also the channel on which the data are transmitted to the MIDI output of the
This menu serves to send MIDI-program change and MIDI-bank select messages to change the GM
sounds of the internal sound card and the sounds of MIDI devices connected to the MIDI out.
XG sound/no
As the MIDI program change message addresses only 128 different sounds an additional program bank
message is necessary to access more than 128 sounds. The 16 different instrument groups are selected
with the preselect keys 1-16:
In each of these groups the single sound has to be selected with one of the value/number keys 1-64.