Network video server/ip camera user manual – COP-USA WS08 User Manual
Page 38

Network Video Server/IP Camera User Manual
Video motion warning Setting
Steps of setting
Step I:
Select『Channel』(multiple channels of DVS/IP Camera are optional)
Step II:
Select『Video Mobile』among『Warning Category』
Step III: 『Start Auto Snap-shot』(Optional)
Auto Snap-shot: after the mobile event occurs, system will automatically send the jpg
pictures to all client ends that connected currently
Step IV:
Set the alarm time segment within the options in『Set Alarm Time』, then『Tick &
Step V:
Set video in『Motion Alarm Area』
Each channel of image will be divided into 18 arrays 22 columns, totally 396 areas
can be available to set active detection; out of these set areas, the system will not
conduct active detection; red color means “The area with active detection on
image”; when setting, use the mouse to drag and select the area to set.
Step VI: Tick and select『Linkage Alarm Output』(Optional)
Step VII: Set『Time of Alarm Elimination』(1~999 seconds optional)
The time of alarm elimination means the system will automatically eliminate the
output when the alarm extends to this moment