Brookfield Cooler, TC-351 User Manual
Page 7

Section 5. Service and Technical Support
If you have followed the troubleshooting steps and your circulator fails to operate properly, contact the
distributor or manufacturer from whom the unit was purchased. Have the following information available
for the customer service person:
— Model and Serial Number
— Voltage (from back panel label)
— Date of purchase and your purchase order number
— Suppliers' order number or invoice number
— A summary of your problem
Section 6. After-sale Support
All instruments requiring warranty repair must be returned to Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
or the Brookfield dealer from whom it was purchased. Transportation is at the purchaser's expense.
For repair or service in the
United States, return to:
Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
11 Commerce Boulevard
Middleboro, MA 02346 USA
Telephone: 508-946-6200
Fax: 508-946-6262
For repair or service
outside the United States, consult Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
or the dealer from whom you purchased the instrument.
For repair or service in the
United Kingdom, return to :
Brookfield Viscometers Limited
1 Whitehall Estate
Flex Meadow
Pinnacles West
Harlow, Essex CM19 5TJ, United Kingdom
Telephone (44) 27/945-1774
Fax: (44) 27/945-1775
s e r v i c e @ b r o o k f i e l d . c o . u k
For repair or service in
Germany, return to:
Brookfield Engineering Labs. Vertriebs GmbH
Barbarossastrasse 3
D-73547 Lorch, Germany
Telephone: 7172/927100
Fax: 7172/927105
i n f o @ b r o o k f i e l d - g m b h . d e