Setting channel volume, Setting pan, Setting channel volume setting pan – Aviom A-16II User Manual

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Setting Channel Volume

When you change the volume of a channel on the Personal Mixer, the LEDs in the Volume section of the

mixer surface will indicate the level in real time. When a new channel is selected, its current volume is

instantly indicated on the LEDs. When no LEDs are lit, channel volume is at its minimum setting.

The Pan and Volume Controls for the selected channel

To make changes to a channel:

Select a channel by pressing its numbered button—the button’s upper LED will light.

Rotate the



knob to the right to increase the volume, to the left to lower the volume

Setting Pan

The Pan indicator is made up of five LEDs. The center LED is green. The LEDs on either side of center are

red. As you turn the p


knob, the LEDs will light in various combinations. At either end of the display only

one LED will be lit to indicate that the channel is panned full left or right.

When using stereo linked channels, the LEDs light in different patterns, using a pair of LEDs on either side

of the display to indicate the width of the stereo field. When the stereo image has been collapsed to mono,

only the center green LED will be lit. In this case the stereo input will be heard as mono.





If you have connected the output of the Personal Mixer to a mono audio system or speaker,

the pan position is irrelevant.

Continue this process of setting volume and pan until all the channels have been added to the mix.

At this point you should have a basic mix playing in your headphones, IEM, speakers, etc. You can continue

to make changes in real time as your needs require. Remember that changes to channel volume and pan

setting affect the selected channel only. The selected channel always has its red LED lit.