MagnaFlow FORD DIESEL 7.3L DIESEL, 4in DUAL AL Custom Build Pipe Kit Diesel PERF. EXHAUST User Manual
MagnaFlow For the car

Step 1: (Carefully read all instructions before
installation) Cut the OEM exhaust system in front
of the transmission crossmember. Remove the
clamp from the turbo-downpipe connection, but do
not discard, as it will be reused. Remove the
system from the vehicle, taking care not to damage
the rubber insulators. You may need to cut the
extension pipe in front of the muffler to aid in
removal of the OEM system.
Step 2: Begin installation of the new system by
fastening the new downpipe to the turbo reusing
the OEM V-band clamp. Leave all fasteners and
clamps loose for final adjustment of the complete
system. Working rearwards, install the Extension
Pipes as needed using the supplied clamps. The
34" pipe is for Crew Cab Long Bed models, and
the 18" pipe is for Crew Cab Short Bed and
Extended Cab Long Bed models. Other models
may require trimming of an extension pipe. Install
the 30" Extension Pipe Assembly, and Tailpipe
Extensions and Assemblies in the same fashion
using the supplied clamps and Hanger Assembly.
The driver side hanger clamp is approximately .50"
shorter than the passenger side hanger clamp on
the barbed end. See Fig. 1 for installation of the
hanger assembly. The supplied band clamps must
be VERY tight to properly align the pipes and
prevent leaks (Approximately 40ft-lbs). U-bolt
clamps should be tightened to approximately
30-35ft-lbs. Inspect all fasteners after 25-50 miles
of operation and re-tighten if necessary.
Mufflers, Converters,
Systems and Tips
1999-2003 FORD F-SERIES, V8 7.3L, CREW CAB / EXT. CAB
When working on, under, or around
any vehicle exercise caution. Please allow the
vehicle's exhaust system to cool before removal,
as exhaust system temperatures may cause
severe burns. If working without a lift, always
consult vehicle manual for correct lifting
specifications. Always wear safety glasses and
ensure a safe work area. Serious injury or death
could occur if safety measures are not followed.
** Magnaflow Performance Exhaust recommends professional
installation on all their products
Magnaflow Performance Exhaust - 22961 Arroyo Vista Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Main #: 1-800-990-0905 Technical Support: 1-800-959-9226 ext 4500
Nov 30, 2012
Rev: 000
Inlet Pipe
34" Extension
18" Extension
"Y" Pipe
D/S Tailpipe
D/S Tailpipe
P/S Tailpipe
P/S Tailpipe
P/S Hanger Clamp
(Longer barbed end)
D/S Hanger Clamp
Sheet 1 of 2
30" Extn. PIpe Assy.