Chapter 7 - specifications, 1 diagnostic indicators and controls, 2 optical interface – CANOGA PERKINS 2270 Fiber Optic Modem User Manual

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Canoga Perkins

Chapter 7 - Specifications

7.1 Diagnostic Indicators and Controls

System Test, Optical Power, Rx/Tx, Power On, Power Alarms (2201)

7.2 Optical Interface

Composite Error Rate

1 in 10


or better

Fiber Optic Cable Compatibility

50 to 62.5 micron multimode or

8 to 10 micron single mode fiber

Transmitter Type

LED (850 nm)
Laser diode (1310 nm)

HI/LO Optical Power Switch (HP Laser Model Only)

Reduces Peak Modulation Intensity

by at least 3 dB


850 nm (LED Model)
1310 nm (Laser Models)

Fiber Optic Connectors

ST or FC type

Fiber Optic Receiver

PIN diode

Transmission Code

Pulse Width Coding

Fiber Optic Transmission Specifications

(All powers are measured at 20 Mbps
unless noted

High Power (HP) Laser

Optical Launch Power

> -6 dBm HI Tx (at 20 Mbps)

-11 to -8 dBm LO Tx (at 20 Mbps)

Low Power (LP) Laser
> -8 dBm (at 20 Mbps)

850 LED
> -14 dBm (at 20 Mbps)

Fiber Optic Link Loss Budget

850 nm LED

>6 dB (62.5/125 MM fiber)

1310 nm HP Laser

>15 dB (SM fiber)

1310 nm LP Laser

>10 dB (SM fiber)