G rs-530 jumper options – CANOGA PERKINS 2270 Fiber Optic Modem User Manual
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2270 Fiber Optic Modem
Table 3-G. RS-530 Jumper Options
Jumper Options
CHASSIS GND Jumper (*)
100 Ohm position: Connects chassis ground to signal ground through 100 ohm resistor.
SHORT position: Connects chassis ground directly to signal ground.
Factory Setting = 100 OHM
RLY Jumper
NC position: CD (Carrier Detect) alarm relay contact closes on alarm condition or power
NO position: Opposite state of relay contact.
Factory Setting = NC
DSR Jumper
TEST position: DSR (Data Set Ready) is asserted whenever a Test or Loopback condition
is not present.
EIA: DSR is asserted in Test or Loopback condition only if testing is being conducted
through the interface.
Factory Setting = TEST
ON position: CTS (Clear to Send) is asserted after a delay from RTS (Request to Send).
CD position: CTS also needs the presence of the valid optical receive Carrier Detect (CD)
Factory Setting = ON
OFF position: RTS (Request to Send) input is detected as an OFF (negated) condition if
input signal is not provided.
ON position: ON (asserted) state of RTS if input signal is not provided.
Factory Setting = OFF
CTS Out Jumper
CTS Output = Local CTS function (see also CTS GATE Jumper above)
(Must be set to CTS on 2270, RI not supported.)
Factory Setting = CTS
* If modem has a jumper to connect Chassis Ground and Signal Ground, it must be left in the OPEN
or FLOAT position for interface jumpers to work correctly.