Building favorites lists – C. Crane UHPR Manual User Manual
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As you listen to HomePatrol-1, you’ll find that there are certain channels you want to listen to. You can
create groups of related channels that you can have HomePatrol-1 exclusively monitor. For example,
you can create a list entirely of police department dispatchers, emergency operations, or a specific city’s
transmissions. If there is a special event coming up, like a car race, you can create a list just for that
event. You can save a maximum of 256 Favorites Lists.
Once you have Favorites Lists saved on HomePatrol-1, you can copy them to HomePatrol-1 Sentinel on
your PC. If you need to reset your HomePatrol-1, you can restore your Favorites Lists from there.
Creating a Favorites List
There is more than one way to create a new Favorites List:
From Fave on a submenu pop-up. While you are monitoring transmissions, open a submenu
pop-up and tap Fave. This method is useful when you are already monitoring a channel you’d
like to save. If you don’t have Favorites Lists already established, you can create a Favorites List
and save the transmission location to it.
NOTE: The FAVE submenu pop-up displays different screens depending on whether or not you
have Favorites Lists already saved. Both of these procedures are described later in this
Tap Menu/Manage Favorites Lists. This method is useful when you know you want to create a
Favorites List for specific transmissions you know you will be monitoring. You can create the list
and then save transmissions to it as you come across them.
Avoid transmissions you do not want to listen to. Then, create a new Favorites List database
using the unavoided channels through Menu/Manage Favorites Lists; select Use Full Database
for HomePatrol-1 to use all the unavoided channels to create the List (this method is possible,
but not commonly used).
Use the HomePatrol Sentinel software to create a Favorites List (this is usually the easiest way.)
All of these methods will take you to the Create New List keyboard, but through different paths.
Using Submenu Pop-Up to Create a Favorites List (No Favorites Lists Exist)
1. Tap the following:
Submenu pop-up tab on channel you want to save.
2. The Saving Channel to Favorites List confirmation screen displays. Tap OK.
3. The Favorite List Selection screen displays. Tap New.
4. The Create New List keyboard displays. Enter the name of the new Favorites List and tap Accept.
5. The Favorites List Selection screen displays again with the new Favorites List. Tap the new
Favorites List. HomePatrol-1 saves the transmission to that list and returns to monitoring.