C. Crane UHPR Quick Reference User Manual
Quick reference guide

Also included in the box:
AC Adapter
Car Adapter
Desk Stand
USB Cable
4 X NiMH Batteries (AA)
If any items are missing or damaged,
contact Customer Service at
1-800-620-7531 or www.uniden.com.
This product uses one or more of the following patents:
5,199,109 5,408,692 5,428,826 5,438,688 5,465,402, 5,471,660 5,483,684 5,530,296
5,548,832 5,551,071, 5,574,995 5,577,076 5,598,430 5,642,424 5,710,992, 5,784,388****
5,956,648*** 5,991,346 6,025,758 6,034,573, 6,064,270 6,192,223* 6,519,472*** 6,941,120*
6,839,550, 7,006,797** 7,013,110 7,046,964** 7,190,937** 7,505,738, 7,548,735**
Other patents pending.
* These patents are under license from Gray Electronics, Inc.
** These patents are under license from Counter Technologies, Inc.
*** These patents are under license from G/Tracker Technologies, Inc.
**** This patent is under license from Gregory D. Knox.
Patented DVSI Vocoder:
US Patent Nos. 5,870,405; 5,649,050; 5,630,011; 5,581,656; 5,517,511; 5,491,772;
5,247,579; and 5,226,084.
These patents are all licensed from Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI).
About HomePAtrol
HomePatrol is a unique public safety receiver that can quickly monitor
local agencies based on your location. Its intuitive screens lead you
through initial setup so you’re listening to your world as quickly as
HomePatrol operations center around the “Main screen;” this screen is
discussed in its own section. From this screen you can select and manage
the transmissions you listen to as well as set the framework for how
HomePatrol operates (volume, backlighting, squelch levels, etc.).
mAin Screen
This Main screen is where you’ll be spending most of your time. It displays the system, department, and channel name of the transmission you are
listening to. Tap on the screen to select an item. Submenu pop-ups allow other actions for systems, departments, and channels. Various control and
navigation buttons and status icons round out this screen.
Sets how strong a signal must be before HomePatrol
stops on it.
Displays HomePatrol’s Main menu.
Sets the distance that HomePatrol will search for
transmissions. The lower the number, the smaller the
search radius.
Replays the previous transmissions (30 - 240 seconds as set
through Replay Options). Tap and hold to display the Replay
Options menu.
Attenuation. Turning on attenuation reduces signal
interference if you are in an area where there are a
lot of radio signals.
Begins a recording session. Tap to activate recording and tap
again to stop. Tap and hold to display the Review Recordings
Displays the status of a connected GPS unit. Tap and
hold to display the Setup GPS menu.
Mutes the audio. Default is mute for 30 seconds; to enable a
permanent mute, tap and hold to display the Mute Options
Displays Help text. Tap and hold to redo initial setup.
Submenu Pop-ups- tap to
display menu bar for that row.
Menu bar entries may vary
between indicator lines:
- Avoid - Info
- Sites
- Prev
- Fave
- Next
Status icons
- Touch Screen Locked
- Signal Strength
- Battery Level/Charge Status
Radio Control Bar
Feature Navigation Bar
Tap to hold.
Volume controls are on the top of the unit; volume is
not controlled through the Main screen.
Submenu Pop-ups- tap to
display menu bar for that row.
Menu bar entries may vary
between indicator lines:
- Avoid - Info
- Sites
- Prev
- Fave
- Next
Status icons
- Touch Screen Locked
- Signal Strength
- Battery Level/Charge Status
Radio Control Bar
Feature Navigation Bar
Tap to hold.
Volume controls are on the top of the unit; volume is
not controlled through the Main screen.
Set Location Using Zip Code
Set Location Using City
Tap Enter City.
Enter City
Select City
From the displayed
list of cities, tap on
the desired city.
Set Your Location
Enter the city
name; tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
NOTE: As you enter letters, the screen displays a list of cities that match
your entry. The more letters entered, the more precise the city listing. Tap
the back arrow by the entry field to backspace.
Selecting Service Types to Hear
You can select which service types to listen to by tapping Select Service
Types from the Main menu. For example, if you want to listen to EMS
communication, tap on that selection to select it. Anything not selected
will be avoided. Scroll up or down for multiple pages of listings.
uSing FAvoriteS liStS
Favorites list overview
As you listen to HomePatrol, you’ll find that there are certain channels
you want to listen to. You can create a specialized list and save these
channels to it. For example, you can create a list entirely of police
department dispatchers, emergency operations, or a specific city’s
transmissions. If there is a special event coming up, like a car race, you
can create a list just for that event.
Once you have Favorites Lists saved on HomePatrol, you can copy
them to HomePatrol Sentinel on your PC. If you need to reset your
HomePatrol, you can restore your Favorites Lists from there. The
HomePatrol Owner’s Manual provides details on how to do this.
create a new Favorites list
Tap the submenu pop-up on the Channel indicator row. From the
displayed selections, tap FAVE.
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter Zip Code
Enter zip code.
Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap USA.
From Main Menu, tap -
Postal Code Input
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter postal code.
Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap Canada.
From Main Menu, tap -
NOTE: Tap the alphabet string on the bottom
of the screen to cycle between all capital
letters, all lower-case letters, and
numbers/special characters.
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter Zip Code
Enter zip code.
Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap USA.
From Main Menu, tap -
Postal Code Input
Tap Enter Zip Code.
Select Country
Enter postal code.
Tap Accept.
Set Your Location
Tap Canada.
From Main Menu, tap -
NOTE: Tap the alphabet string on the bottom
of the screen to cycle between all capital
letters, all lower-case letters, and
numbers/special characters.
Select Service Types
Tap desired service
type(s). Tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
Select Service Types
Tap desired service
type(s). Tap Accept.
From the Main menu, tap -
Enter name for
FAVE list. Tap
Tap New.
Add to Favorites
Saving channel to Favorites list
Tap OK.
Favorite List
Create New List
The new FAVE list
now appears on the
list. Tap it to save the
channel to it.
Tap Fave on the channel submenu pop-up.
Favorite List
Add to Favorites
Tap Other List.
If Favorites Lists have
been created:
If no Favorites Lists have been created:
Enter name for
FAVE list. Tap
Tap New.
Add to Favorites
Saving channel to Favorites list
Tap OK.
Favorite List
Create New List
The new FAVE list
now appears on the
list. Tap it to save the
channel to it.
Tap Fave on the channel submenu pop-up.
Favorite List
Add to Favorites
Tap Other List.
If Favorites Lists have
been created:
If no Favorites Lists have been created:
Quick reference guide
this Quick reference guide provides basic information
about the most common HomePatrol actions. refer to
the HomePatrol owner’s manual for details.
QuicK SetuP
check the box contents
Make sure you have all the items previously listed as included in your
HomePatrol box. If you do not, contact Customer Service at 1-800-620-
7531 or www.uniden.com.
Attach the Antenna
Attach the antenna to the unit.
WARNING: Dropping the unit may damage or break the antenna
Power up the HomePatrol unit
Insert the 4 AA Nickel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) batteries.
Plug the AC adapter into the HomePatrol unit.
Plug the other end of the adapter into a standard 120V AC power
Press and hold
until HomePatrol turn on.
Initial Setup
The first time you power up HomePatrol, you’ll be prompted to
connect HomePatrol to your computer (use the USB cable) to install
the HomePatrol Sentinal software. This software will ensure you are
using the latest software and database. HomePatrol will appear to be
an additional drive on your system. Open the drive and navigate to the
Setup folder to setup.exe. Double click setup.exe. Follow the HomePatrol
Sentinel Setup Wizard to install HomePatrol Sentinel (and other
documentation) on your computer.
note: Along with the Sentinal software, the HomePatrol owner’s
Manual other documents are also installed on your PC.
When you disconnect the unit after the software is loaded, HomePatrol
leads you through an initial setup process where you’ll set the Welcome
screen and owner information, the clock, and then enter your zip code.
note: refer to the HomePatrol owner’s manual for details.
Selecting cHAnnelS
NOTE: In the graphics that follow, text in ORANGE type is a Menu title.
tap the screen as indicated to make a selection.
HomePatrol needs to know what geographic area to search for channels.
You determine this by setting your location. Tap Menu on the Main
screen; the Main Menu screen displays. From there, tap Set Your
Location. You can see several methods to set your location. All of these
methods are covered in more detail in the HomePatrol Owner’s Manual.
We will use Setting Location Using Zip Code and Setting Location Using
City as examples for this QRG.
Printed in China
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